back forty five - a self help blog
Connecting you with the top moments from the best podcasts
latest posts
- (01:29:59) / 3 mins
- A story about an NBA shooting coach, Chip Engelland
- Doesn’t motivate by the fear of loss
- “Appeals to the prospect of what you could do for others. Not the fear of loss”
- (00:24:40) / 5 mins
- You can think differently about stress
- Preparing to optimise performance
- “Changing your mindset about stress, in-turn changes how your body reacts”
- (00:17:00) / 2 mins
- What are the actions that you’re taking?
- Single day action
- Consistency
Rich Roll
- (00:11:28) / 2 mins
- “You’re always a work in progress”
- Curiosity of everyday
- 10 year chunks
Tony Fadell
- (01:29:25) / 7 mins
- “Look for a why that justifies the catastrophe”
- Have a goal and move towards it – know what it is and aim at it
- “Anxiety computes aimlessness”
- Figure out what you want
- Develop a vision
- “Almost all the pleasure is in the moving toward”
- (01:39:35) / 2 mins
- “I can do hard things. If it gets tough, I know I can do it because I’ve done it”
- Build confidence by doing hard things
Dr. Andrew Huberman
- (01:25:00) / 2 mins
- “How do I make the biggest impact for good?”
- At the centre of Tim’s Venn diagram: “What I think I’m here to do”. All activities and time need to connect to that
Tim Kennedy
- (00:07:00) / 4 mins
- “Resistance is that force, that negative force that stops us from doing the things we know we should”
- Concept – “Turning Pro” (act and think like a professional)
Steven Pressfield
- (00:14:30) / 3 mins
- “It is hard to be extraordinary. It’s hard to be exceptional”
- Choices – tiny decisions over time
- First decision in front of you
- “It’s how you do anything is how you do everything”
Tim Kennedy
- (00:19:04) / 3 mins
- “I argue for intentionality, discipline, regiment and habit”
Tim Kennedy
- (00:21:30) / 2 mins
- “Understanding that there’s a problem and you’re trying to solve that problem”
- “Something’s not right here”
- (00:23:10) / 4 mins
- Peter’s 3 Pillars: Objective – Strategy – Tactics
- Objective – stated and clear